For all those who don't already know the whole entire concept for the Matrix films,
with Neo etc, and the Terminator films were originally created by a lady called Sophia Stewart. For years now she has been involved in a legal battle involving many different companies from Hollywood for leagl recognition as the original creator, and for compensation for her work. If you want to find out more, then follow the links below. She wrote a book, 1981-83 called the Third Eye, which you can purchase from here.... that is basically the matrix and Terminator stories wooven into one. She is also, as you would probably guess, a great metaphysician, and very knowlegdeable in that area. I can't remember the name of the show that she was on where she was totally going in, but if I find it again i'll put it in a new post. She has tons on appearances on blogtalk radio shows as well.
So this is my first post....I've began this blog to act as a record of the things that I come across in my research so hopefully someone in the future, or someone now, can come across this and maybe be inspired and bit, and maybe pick up something as well....I'd thought I'd begin at home with a piece of my own art work...this is called The Queen of SE1....